

Samaire Armstrong

Click on the photo to see Samaire’s photo shoot video!

There are a few things you need to know about Samaire Armstrong, who stars in the upcoming film Just My Luck (along with Lindsay Lohan) and is your favorite scene-stealer from Entourage and The O.C. First of all, her name is pronounced sah-MEE-rah, with a rolled r. Try to remember that. Secondly, she has needs, and they must be met. If you don’t bring her flowers when flowers are expected, you’re as good as gone. Third, her father and her brother are Marines, so Samaire is tough. When we spoke to her, she’d had her wisdom teeth removed and she wasn’t even whining about it. And finally, she’s newly single. So if you think you can handle her, keep on reading.

STUFF: We feel like assholes for making you talk to us right after having your wisdom teeth out.
SAMAIRE: I’m still swollen! I’m very puffy. I’ve been putting it off since I was 20, and I’m 25 now. I thought maybe I could get away with it, but they were damaging the roots of my other ones, so I really needed to get them out.

You’re not just a pretty, swollen face, though. Don’t you have your own clothing line?
It’s called Naru. It means “becoming” in Japanese—like, it looks becoming on you, but also like you’re becoming something, changing. It’s everything from vintage to modern. My whole thing is being sexy without showing too much, because that’s my comfort level.

So how do you like to be sexy?
I like to show shoulders and neck. My parents always say I have really good legs. I’ve worked really hard for them. They always insist that I show my legs.